How Many Solar Panels Do I Need?

Based on a monthly electricity demand of 877 kilowatt-hours (kWh), the average American home requires 19 and 23 solar panels. After the federal solar tax credit, installing that many solar panels would cost $13,000 and $16,200.

However, your energy use likely differs from the national average, and the quantity of solar panels you'll need is determined by various factors, including the location of your property and the type of solar panels you select.

So, how do you calculate how many solar panels you'll need? We've got your back.

Calculate the number of solar panels you'll need to power your home with our solar calculator

how much do solar panels cost
Solar Calculator

How Much Do Solar Panels Cost?

After federal tax credits, the average cost of installing solar panels in the United States is around $12,000. A more minor system can be installed for roughly $5,000 on the low end, while a Tier 1 solar panel system can cost $40,000 or more on the high end.

Calculate Solar Panel

Costs for Your Home

Follow these steps to discover how many solar panels you need and estimate your costs:

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    Determine your average monthly electricity usage

    Examine previous utility bills to establish your home's usual energy usage. You can figure out how many solar panels you'll need by calculating your household's hourly energy demand by your area's peak sunlight hours and dividing by the wattage of each panel. To demonstrate a range, use a low-wattage (150 W) and a high-wattage (370 W) example (ex: 17-42 panels to create 11,000 kWh/year). Keep in mind that the size of your roof and the amount of sunshine it receives are both important considerations.

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    Calculate your daily kWh usage

    The price of power delivered by your electric provider is expressed in kilowatt-hours. You can divide your total power bill, minus any taxes, by your total power consumption to get your kilowatt-hour rate. Once you have that amount, you may use the formula below to determine how much you pay for electricity.

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    Calculate how much sunlight your panels will receive

    Although your panels receive an average of 7 hours of daylight every day, peak solar hours are usually around 4 or 5. When the sun reaches its highest point in the sky at solar noon, solar radiation peaks.

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    Consider how much solar electricity you might use

    Examine previous utility bills to establish your home's usual energy usage. You can figure out how many solar panels you'll need by calculating your household's hourly energy demand by your area's peak sunlight hours and dividing by the wattage of each panel. To demonstrate a range, use a low-wattage (150 W) and a high-wattage (370 W) example (ex: 17-42 panels to create 11,000 kWh/year). It's essential to keep in mind that the size of your roof and the amount of sunshine it receives are both important considerations.

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    Determine how many solar panels you'll need

    We will help you determine the number of solar panels suitable for your home or business. Whether it's a small apartment building with 10 units an office complex including both space heating needs as well as hot water generation - we have what you need!

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We believe sunshine is one of humanity's most valuable yet underutilized resources. Not only can solar energy sustainably power hospitals and schools across America - it has the potential to drive entire industries as well. With our innovative financing solutions for clean technologies like photovoltaic systems or wind turbines, we help bring affordable Clean Energy access into every American home.

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